Happy New Year!



It’s hard to believe that we are starting our third nine weeks of school.  I hope you all had a safe and joyful Christmas. My prayer for your family in 2023:

May you all find joy is the things you do

May you be blessed with good fortune

May you be blessed with good health

May you find peace this year

This Week, November 7-11, 2022

This is a very busy week for 4th Grade.  My two classes will be going to the Library on Tuesday, November 8th, on Wednesday, the Party Bus will take those who have earned the trip & returned their permission slip to eat, and then on Friday, November 11th all of 4th Grade will perform at the High School for the Veteran’s Day Celebration.  Below you will find important information on the Party Bus and the Veteran’s Day Celebration:

The Party Bus is for those students that sold a certain number of items during the fundraiser.  Your student should

have received a Permission Slip if they were eligible to go.  This slip must be returned to the school for your

student to be able to attend this event.

The Veteran’s Day Program will be at the High School on Friday, November 11, 2022 at 11:30 a.m.  We will eat lunch

as soon as we return back to our campus.  Students should wear either Red, White, Blue, or a combination of

those colors.  Please return the permission slip, to sign your student out after the program by Thursday,

November 10, 2022.


4th Grade Field Trip/Oil Museum


Our field trip is on this Thursday, October 20th!!  Please remember to send only disposable items in your student’s lunch. (No metal or fancy water bottles. No lunch boxes…paper or plastic bags)

If you are planning on attending with your student, please remember that you may send in your cost of $6 into the school or pay at the door.  ALL PARENTS ATTENDING MUST SIGN IN WITH RAPTOR AT THE SCHOOL ON THE DAY OF OUR TRIP!

Parents may sign their child out at the park if they wish.

Should you have any questions please contact me.

Mrs. Phillips


Spelling Words for the Week of October 18-21, 2022

         Regular                                      5 Club

  1. services                                     1.  services
  2. consumers                                2.  gases
  3. holidays                                     3.  monkeys
  4. sandwiches                               4.  classes
  5. monkeys                                    5.  taxes
  6. taxes
  7. classes
  8.  gases
  9. speeches
  10. glasses

Spelling Words for the Week of October 10-14, 022

The Regular List is as follows                               5 Club Words

  1.  discard                                                            1. discard
  2.  margin                                                            2. margin
  3.  format                                                             3. format
  4.  dormant                                                          4. dormant
  5.  thermal                                                             5. thermal
  6.  nervous
  7.  purchase
  8.  confirm
  9.  absurd
  10. converse